
We (Dr. Derek Page and Dr. Catherine Carter) have completed our acupuncture certification and we are now insured and licensed to provide acupuncture treatments. We’ve had a few patients ask us if they can claim acupuncture treatments under their private insurance acupuncture coverage, such as Blue Cross.
The answer is yes if you have acupuncture coverage and if your provider allows for it. We know for sure that you can claim it under Blue Cross, as we both have Blue Cross provider numbers for acupuncture. If you have a different insurance provider, you will have to call them to find out specifically. You will want to find out if you are insured for acupuncture, and if the acupuncture can be provided by a chiropractor. The name of our certification is; “A Comprehensive Introduction to Acupuncture: The Art and The Science”.
In order for the acupuncture treatment to be covered by Blue Cross, it cannot be combined with chiropractic treatment on the same day. If it is, it will need to be billed under chiropractic instead of acupuncture.
Dr. Derek Page will be offering acupuncture sessions on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Please call the clinic at 204-256-0062 to book a treatment. Treatments will be $60 per session to start. Allow 30 minutes for the treatment. On your first visit, you will need to fill out a couple of forms including an acupuncture consent form.
I plan on doing a more in-depth blog in the new year on the science behind acupuncture treatment, but here is some basic information to get you started; (from Introduction to Acupuncture; The Art and The Science)
What is Acupuncture?
The practice of acupuncture began in ancient China and has now developed into a modern method of pain relief. Acupuncture is a treatment for pain where very thin needles are inserted into specific areas in the body called acupuncture points. The needles are sterile and are only used once, after which they are discarded. The needles may be stimulated either by hand or with electrical stimulation.
Acupuncture is a very safe treatment and complications are extremely rare. However, as with any treatment, complications can occur. These may include nausea, bruising, dizziness, fainting, and infection. Very rare complications that have been reported include damage to blood vessels and nerves, puncturing of the lung or bowel, and the needle breaking.
How does it work?
Acupuncture works by stimulating the body to produce its own pain relieving chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins help to decrease pain and promote healing and relaxation. Acupuncture also works by activating the nerve fibres that interfere with the pain signals being sent to the brain.
Patients respond differently to acupuncture. Some patients feel a dull ache when the treatment starts, but report that the ache quickly fades. Once the needles are in place, there should not be any significant pain. Pain relief may be felt right away, may occur within a few hours, or the next day following treatment. Some patients may not feel any pain relief after the initial treatment and may need up to five sessions to determine if acupuncture is helping or not. The doctor will ask you to monitor your response to determine if treatment is successful for you. Each session lasts 15-30 minutes, and the number of treatments required varies with each person and the condition being treated.
Thing to do before an Acupuncture Treatment
Do not eat a large meal two hours before or after treatment. A light meal prior to treatment is recommended. Avoid alcohol or sedatives for four hours prior to treatment. Do not smoke tobacco one hour prior to treatment. Continue to take pain medications as necessary as well as any other medications prescribed by your doctor.
Things to do after an Acupuncture Treatment?
Having a short rest after treatment is ideal. Some people feel very tired after an acupuncture treatment and have to plan accordingly. Strenuous activities are not recommended after treatment. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes for at least two hours after your acupuncture treatment. Continue to take medications as prescribed by your doctor, and keep a record of amounts of pain medications taken.
-Dr Derek Page, DC