it’s kinda like a love story…

Dr. Carter’s husband, Murray, pulling their daughter in a chariot to go ski at Windsor Park Nordic Centre
There’s no doubt that winter has arrived in Manitoba! We hope everyone has been safe on the roads and sidewalks, it’s pretty icy and slick.
Personally, I love it when the snow comes. It brightens up outside and there’s a coziness that comes with the big snowdrifts. Snowstorms slow everything down and connect Winnipeggers. I heard multiple stories yesterday of people helping push stuck drivers out and shovelling their neighbours driveways and sidewalks. To make the most of the snow day yesterday we headed out on our cross-country skis. For most people that know me, they know that cross-country skiing is a big part of my life, but while I was out on the trails yesterday I realized how much skiing actually is a part of me.

Dr. Carter taking advantage of the first snowfall to ski the trails at Windsor Park Nordic Centre (officially open this Saturday)
Manitoba winters can be long, cold and dark so it’s nice to have an activity that gets you outside in nature and actually enjoying what the our winters can offer. In our family we grew up cross-country skiing on old, three-pin binding, wooden skis, using bamboo ski poles that my father found discarded or at second hand stores. We explored different trails all over the province; Beaudry Park, Birdshill Park, Falcon Lake, Grand Beach and Clear Lake. In high-school my friends convinced me to join the cross-country ski team. In a very uncool fashion I showed up to the first ski practice in a massive parka and my big wooden skis, and compared to all of the competitive skiers I was working my butt off, huffing and puffing but moving at a snails pace. Thankfully as the season progressed I got new skis and learnt better technique and we had a memorable year travelling around the province for races (The Pas – Manitoba Winter Games, Minaki Yurts, Falcon Ridge trails, Birch Ski trails).
It’s through cross-country skiing that I met my husband, Murray; we even went skiing on our wedding night! Some of my best experiences have been through skiing, when we were in Australia we would go to the ‘Snow’ (as they call it in Australia) in the Snowy Mountains in July (their winter season, opposite of ours) and we met the most wonderful, determined people who could literally ski on anything… mud with a bit of snow, sideways driven rain at 60km/hr, hard sheets of ice… anything! We’ve had New Years Eves where we would go for night skis with friends and family, most of our travel even includes seeking out XC ski areas (Silver Star, Whistler, Banff, Mount Washington, Comox).
Cross-country skiing just fit into my life philosophy, a lot like Chiropractic. It’s about moving, breathing, living a health focused life and sharing it with the people you care about. Being out on the trails this week for my first ski of the season reminded me of all of this. It reinforced that movement is life. My purpose everyday when I show up at the office is to help others restore their movement in their body so that they can live a fulfilled life and do the things they love with their friends and family.
In the upcoming weeks we would like to have a cross-country ski lesson session coached by the talented Murray Carter, suitable for all levels (first-timers to elite racers, all ages) so that we can share our passion for skiing with others. It’s really a wonderful way to get out in the winter, get your heart pumping, body moving and spend time with friends and family. Around Winnipeg there are plenty of places to ski (Windsor Park Golf Course, La Barriere Park, Birdshill, to name a few). Renting skis is very easy and not expensive (Mountain Equipment Coop, Windsor Park Golf Course) or you can easily find second hand skis that do the job just fine! With a few tips from Murray you can get off on the right foot (or ski)!
Our hope for you is that you can find time over these holidays to spend time with people you love, doing what you love and of course pain-free, with good movement, flexibility and strength!
See you on the trails,
~Catherine Carter
Micheline Watson
You are such an inspiration! Beautiful photos…maybe someday I’ll give it a try again. I haven’t skied in 20 years!